You have just connected to the site which is published by Cofiloisirs.
Company name: Compagnie pour le Financement des Loisirs (“Cofiloisirs”)
Legal representative: Jean-Baptiste Souchier, Managing Director of Cofiloisirs
Public limited company with share capital of: 17,510,232 euros
RCS: Paris No. 722 037 983
identifier: FR74722037983
Head office: 9, rue Jean Mermoz - 75008 Paris
Director of publication: Jean-Baptiste Souchier, Managing Director of Cofiloisirs
Financing company approved in France by the ACPR (Prudential Control and Resolution Authority – 61 rue Taitbout 75436 Paris cedex 09)
Cofiloisirs, as part of its banking and financial activities, is subject to the Monetary and Financial Code